Welcome to The Crossword Club
Since its formation in 1978 The Crossword Club has been providing members with some of the best — and most challenging — cryptic crosswords available anywhere composed by some of the world’s most accomplished setters.
We believe in the true Art of the Crossword with our members appreciating the finer points of clue-writing and diagram construction.
Despite this we insist that the only reason for the existence of crossword puzzles is for fun and entertainment.
CROSSWORD is sent electronically monthly to members. Paper copies are available in return for a supply of (C5) SAEs/stamps + address labels.
To celebrate the 45th Anniversary of The Crossword Club, a collection of puzzles has been published in book-form for the first time, called "REVIVE 45".
The "Print on Demand" A4 paperback is available from Amazon using the link below (or your local country equivalent):
Currently available on this site:-
Articles - a selection of articles previously published in Crossword
Clues - prize winning clues from more than 300 clue writing competitions in Crossword
Downloads - sample editions, the current club handbook and guidance for setters
Solutions - the solutions to the most recent puzzles from Crossword can be downloaded from this page
Subscribe - a page to subscribe for whole- or part-years - Paypal and major Credit Cards accepted
About us - brief bios of the team